Future Goals: Skills Bootcamp in Construction Plant

Bryn Clark is a Self Employed Labourer from Castleford working for a small local business. Bryn heard about the Skills Bootcamp whilst chatting to one of Birkwood instructors at a rugby match. He was intrigued and visited Google to find out what the demand for tele-handler skills was in the area and whether it would be worthwhile investing both his time and money to take up the offer of subsidised training.

Bryn has now achieved the CPCS Tele-handler and Suspended Loads certification and his contract has increased his wage and offered him a 26 week contract which started in January. This programme has increased Bryn’s earning capacity and his long term employability prospects. He feels much more confident about his future and is proud to show his 15 year old son, who he cares for alone, that hard work and study pay off. Skills Connect offers free training courses to all adults across West Yorkshire and is part of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Futuregoals campaign.